1) You need to get hold of a *.jam to *.bmp convertor program, eg:-
jamman.zip or gp2ed.zip, both available from the www.
2) Convert the helmet.jam file to a *.bmp file.
3) Use a graphics program, (eg:- windows paintbrush, or paint shop pro),
to move the helmet you want to the position you want, (eg:- the top left
helmet is the no' one driver, default is michael schumakers helmet)
So for the1997 season you want Damon Hills helmet at the top left spot.
4) Make sure you move the whole rectangle that makes up the helmet
graphic, Do not go over the green areas, or overlap the graphics.
5) If you change the graphics, (eg:- drawing your own helmet designs),
take note of the above, eg:- no overlapping and dont draw on the green
6) Convert the new *.bmp file back to the helmet.jam, (keeping a backup
of the old one just in case!!!!!)
7) Finished, away you go with your helmets matching your drivers, beware,
its very time consuming and fiddly!!!!!!
**Peter** #:?)