>>This is probably pretty elementary for the experienced players. I just
>>bought the game and I don't understand why the car's steering would go
>>out of control all of a sudden, usually in less than 2 laps. I tried
>>to go to the pit stop but the problem is still not corrected. It seems
>>like the tires were blown since I wasn't in any collision but the pit
>>stop didn't help? Do I need to press any keys for the tire change? I
>>thought it should do it automatically.
Entering the Pit lane is not always as simple as it should be in F1GP as
sometimes it drags you in and sometimes you can not turn in (even if you
have the pit call turned on).
But I don't think this is what you are asking, is it? I guess you are using
an analog joystick, so I guess the problem lies there. You cannot blow your
tyres in F1GP, so I reckon your joystick is recalibrating itself, or you are
doing it unknowingly. I had this problem with my Konix Speedking as it has
a recalibration button, but it recalibrated itself sometimes, so I took it
apart a fastened the relevant bits so it could not be recalibrated.
* Oliver Roberts | //// Amiga 600 |##### F1GP-Ed ##### *
* (1st Year Comp Sci Student) | //// 2Mb Chip Ram | Customize F1GP/WC *
* | \\\X/// Kickstart 37.350| Aminet: game/misc/ *