OT, But A Fav Subject Here in the Recent Past---STILL No WMD Found


OT, But A Fav Subject Here in the Recent Past---STILL No WMD Found

by benran » Sat, 07 Jun 2003 09:22:35

On Thu, 5 Jun 2003 15:14:02 -0400, "David G Fisher"


>"Powell's presentation did not persuade the U.N. Security Council, but it
>did help convince many Americans that Saddam was a real threat."

>Thousands of dead and mutilated Iraqis, and those still alive living in
>shit, thank you for your stupidity.

You're right, they're living, the kids are out of jail, or really, the
gulag, and the Kurds aren't being ***ed daily by that psycho.

I guess you'd like to go back to the good old days. The days when Blix
was running around unsure if he was set to have lobster or filet
mignon for dinner while Iraqis starved...we gave him a tremendous
amount of time, didn't we?

They found a mass grave with kids the other day.

And finally, I don't recall seeing threads on usenet about the proof
required of Bill Clinton to blow up the aspirin factory in the Sudan
because it contained *WMD*. back then. Everyone agreed that Saddam was
a bad guy. Bill even flung many cruise missiles toward Saddam...not a
peep out of anyone.

Do you remember that?


OT, But A Fav Subject Here in the Recent Past---STILL No WMD Found

by mcwho » Sat, 07 Jun 2003 11:16:55

Gee David,
    You seem to be replying in a defensive manner to anyone that disputes
your right to post this in here, yet you have failed to reply to my post
which I believe stated many valid reasons for the war to have taken place.
Despite what the media may want you to believe this  was never a one issue

the idea
of accountability when it comes to this issue?


Check out definition #2

Uhm, yeah.  I would call it vitriol.



OT, But A Fav Subject Here in the Recent Past---STILL No WMD Found

by Fed » Sat, 07 Jun 2003 11:30:05


Take it to alt.politics or alt.politics.usa please. There is a newsgroup
hierarchy for a reason.

Thank you.

David G Fishe

OT, But A Fav Subject Here in the Recent Past---STILL No WMD Found

by David G Fishe » Sat, 07 Jun 2003 12:08:52

If you really believe what you wrote, then there isn't much to say to you on
this issue.

Read my original post to which Jan replied and show me exactly where the
vitriol is. Because I said "stupidity"? Stupidity is defined as:

      1. lack of intelligence: lack of intelligence, perception, or common

      2. rashness or thoughtlessness: extremely rash or thoughtless behavior

No vitriol there.

So where is it? You're acting like the White House now. Insisting things
exist, but ultimately unable to show any proof.

David G Fisher

David G Fishe

OT, But A Fav Subject Here in the Recent Past---STILL No WMD Found

by David G Fishe » Sat, 07 Jun 2003 12:13:59

> On Thu, 5 Jun 2003 15:14:02 -0400, "David G Fisher"

> >

> >"Powell's presentation did not persuade the U.N. Security Council, but it
> >did help convince many Americans that Saddam was a real threat."

> >Thousands of dead and mutilated Iraqis, and those still alive living in
> >shit, thank you for your stupidity.

> What convinced Americans that Saddam was a threat was when Bush gave
> 100 speeches with the words 9/11 and Iraq linked together in them.

> If Bush suggested the possibility that Canada were involved in 9/11
> he'd have 70% approval for bombing them tommorrow, without any sort of
> evidence.

> Jason

How do you thing they'd feel after someone showed them where Canada.....and
the U.S......were located on a map?

David G Fisher


OT, But A Fav Subject Here in the Recent Past---STILL No WMD Found

by Squidle » Sat, 07 Jun 2003 12:12:31

I do believe that my (I am American, for better or worse) President stated
initially that the *reason* for invading Iraq and toppling Saddam Hussein,
was because Hussein and the Government of Iraq were aggressively pursuing
and in possession of, *Weapons of Mass Destruction* (in violation of UN
Sanctions) and were a *Clear and Present Danger* to the United States of
America, therefore a *Preemptive invasion* was warranted.

*Regime Change* and *Liberation* became the new message after *Shock and
Awe* failed to accomplish its mission.

Now I am not in Hussein's corner one bit, but we condemn a President which
lied about getting his rocks off in the Oval Office, while congratulating a
President that unleashed the American Military on a Sovereign Nation under
very shaky, dubious and beginning to appear as false circumstances. And
then, began to manipulate the American Public with the *Regime Change* and
*Liberation* themes, which has appeared to be politically successful so far.

I don't know which scares me more, the people who mindlessly march behind
either the Republican or Democratic Parties, or the incredibly short
memories and even shorter attention span of the American Public ("Look at
the Kitty", for any Robin Williams Fans).

By the way, thanks for posting the Link Mr. Fisher, I would not have seen it

On Another Note:

Is RASCAR any good ? I have been lurking here since N4 days when I "
discovered sim racing. Somewhat jaded on the Open Setup scene and wondering
if maybe "Fixed" setup racing would be better. I always read through the
posts for whatever the race is for the week, they can be very illuminating,
if not entertaining.

Thanks, If you got this far and Flame On if you must !

Ruud Dingeman

OT, But A Fav Subject Here in the Recent Past---STILL No WMD Found

by Ruud Dingeman » Sat, 07 Jun 2003 13:37:09

> David, Ive always enjoyed racing you but bringing this political BS here is
> pushing me to the limits of my restraint.  I dont killfile many but I can't
> take this Liberal party spin much longer...  


If you are going to killfile David then at least do it for the right
reason: that it's *totally* off-topic and only causing flamewars, not
because he posted something that doesn't agree with your thinking.

Freedom o'speech and the other guys right to said freedom, y' know?

(Actually, he does have some point, 'liberal' or not - still nothing
found! I'm surprised too. I guess Saddy had destroyed all his stuff
beforehand. Kinda clever in a cunningly evil way really)

Now, WMD is no GPL, so back to the usual flames   ;)

Regards, Ruud

Steve Whitt

OT, But A Fav Subject Here in the Recent Past---STILL No WMD Found

by Steve Whitt » Sat, 07 Jun 2003 14:04:28

just to add fuel to the fire.  go ahead, flame me, killfile me, whatever.
this recent interview with Richard Butler.  Its quite frightening.
the relevance to wmd's is the last two questions.  you want the
interview with Richard Butler May 14 2003

for those who don't want to read the whole transcript
heres the relevent part

   MARK DAVIS: Well, while I have you here I'll get you to put your Iraq
hat on for a moment. Are you surprised that the Americans haven't found
any weapons of mass destruction so far?

RICHARD BUTLER: No, I'm not, Mark. There's no doubt that unaccounted for
weapons existed when Saddam threw me and my team out in 1998 and,
indeed, when Hans Blix, my successor, made his last reports. But I think
what we are seeing now is the very strong possibility that towards the
end, just before the war began, Iraq either began to destroy those
weapons or moved them out possibly to Syria. Destroyed them in the way
that it started, you'll remember, to destroy the al-Samoud missile, in
the belief that the weapons wouldn't be of any further use to them and
it would be better for their case if they could say - if no weapons were
able to be discovered.

MARK DAVIS: I mean, this is the incredible point, I suppose. We've just
invaded a country, we've killed thousands of people and, despicable as
Saddam Hussein may have been, he was probably telling the truth.

RICHARD BUTLER: We need to know that, that's what I'm saying. It could
well be that at that point, immediately prior to the war when they
lodged their 12,000-page document, that we may discover they were
telling the truth in the sense that at that time they did destroy those
extant weapons. We need to know what the facts are to know whether the
weapons of mass destruction justification for the invasion was real or
not. It's very, very important. We have four people - the US has four
key people in custody now - General Saddi, General Rashid, Tariq Aziz
and Dr Germ, Rihab Taha. They know exactly what the facts are. We need
to know what they're saying. We need to know on what basis they're being
interrogated. We need the truth about those weapons, Iraq's programs,
did they give them to terrorists, for example, as has sometimes been
claimed. We need the truth behind an invasion and occupation by the
United States, and its friends, of Iraq.

Richard Butler, we'll have to leave it there but thanks for joining

I urge you to read the whole transcript though.  As a citizen of this
planet, it scares me.


Gerry Aitke

OT, But A Fav Subject Here in the Recent Past---STILL No WMD Found

by Gerry Aitke » Sat, 07 Jun 2003 14:50:50

>>Yeah, what a shame you aren't in charge and making those big decisions!
>>What would your first big policy decision be, to ban Nascar?

> I would, then I would set up an AussieV8 !!! series instead

Jason Moy

OT, But A Fav Subject Here in the Recent Past---STILL No WMD Found

by Jason Moy » Sat, 07 Jun 2003 15:09:50

On Thu, 5 Jun 2003 23:13:59 -0400, "David G Fisher"

>How do you thing they'd feel after someone showed them where Canada.....and
>the U.S......were located on a map?

Oh my, then I think it would jump to 85%.  Canada's proximity makes
them a clear and imminent danger or something.  Didn't Bush's great
great great great great grandfather lose a battle in the War of 1812
or something?  Maybe we could use that as justification...



OT, But A Fav Subject Here in the Recent Past---STILL No WMD Found

by Mitch_ » Sat, 07 Jun 2003 15:22:37

It's not that I agree or disagree.  This is an issue that hasn't reached an
outcome and can go on without any known facts for quite a long time, if
ever.  Throwing gas on a fire isn't good and thats all this thread has
really accomplished.  Lets give some time to the Iraqi people to re-discover
their lost freedom and regain their country before we make these types of
leftwing spin-doctor induced statements.  Do you really believe Saddam
wasn't trying to gain WMD's?   Will this arguement put Saddam Insane back in
power?  Would you honestly want that?  We can argue till were blue in the
face but does it really matter?  Not in the least!  So why rile up 2/3rds of
the Americans here in RAS?  Thats my point....

I bet I can beat ya at Laguna in a F360, well maybe not but it would be more
fun than this ;)

Regards, Mitch


OT, But A Fav Subject Here in the Recent Past---STILL No WMD Found

by Dan_Leac » Sat, 07 Jun 2003 19:06:46

My take on all this is i agree with a recent poll done here in a uk
newspaper. The question was 'whos the biggest threat to world peace' The
choices were the usual bunch hussain, binladen, chirac, blair, bush,
schroeder, omah, sharon, tarar, musharaf, arafat. not suprisingly bush was
named as person most likely to upset world peace. I strongly believe that
the greatest threat to peace at the moment is the american republican party,
its cia advisors and the new american century organisation. I wish americans
wouldnt believe all the propoganda they are fed and hurry up and vote this
guy out of office before he starts any more conflicts


OT, But A Fav Subject Here in the Recent Past---STILL No WMD Found

by benran » Sat, 07 Jun 2003 18:54:24

04/06/2003 - By Bryar Mariwani  
London ( 04 June 2003: A mass grave containing the
remains of 200 Kurdish children has been discovered in the liberated
Kurdish city of Kirkuk, reported the KDP Arabic daily, Al-Taakhi.

"Citizens were discovered on May 30, 2003, in a communal grave close
to Debs, in Kirkuk. However, this mass grave was different from other
mass graves discovered since the fall of Saddam Husseins terrorist
regime since it contained the remains of 200 babies, victims of the
repression of the Kurdish uprising in 1991," Al-Taakhi noted. "Even
the dolls were buried with the children," it added.

It is believed that the babies were buried alive. It was also reported
in the local media that an *** female person had also been found in
the mass grave. It was suggested that she could have been their


OT, But A Fav Subject Here in the Recent Past---STILL No WMD Found

by Nick » Sat, 07 Jun 2003 20:14:15

Blah blah bullshit blah.

The WMD issue is only for people who fail to see what was really happening
in Iraq. It was designed to convince people that war was the right thing to
do, even if those people didn't give a shit about all the terrible things
happening in Iraq, like Saddam just dropping chemical weapons on thousands
of Kurds just to check that they worked and have a little fun.

If you really think their situation is worse than, say, one year ago, then
you are quite possibly the most ignorant person on the planet.

Has entered the killfile.


OT, But A Fav Subject Here in the Recent Past---STILL No WMD Found

by Nick » Sat, 07 Jun 2003 20:24:29

The problem with polls like that is people in countries like ours believe
the world currently *is* a peaceful place. So they think starting a war is a
threat to the current 'peace', when in fact it is driving us further and
further towards a real state of peace. If they made all those people
actually travel to some of the worst places in the world and see with their
own eyes the brutality and hatred, they would all automatically jump onto
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