> >What is the deal I thought you were on vacation but you are posting all
> >time. Also as far as your slow lap times, maybe you are a bad driver.
> Like people can't post even if they ARE on vacation?(which I'm not, as if
> any of your business). If you have a problem with me posting, I suggest
> just ignore me - I'm not going anywhere. The deal is I took a break from
> hosting the RASCAR races. If you have a problem with that, run your OWN
> ***ing server.
> Damn, I'll be glad when school starts again so the kiddies can't play on
> daddy's computer...
> Eldred
> --
> Homepage - http://www.racesimcentral.net/~epickett
> GPLRank:+8.09
> N2002 Rank:+22.329
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