got a few questions regarding GPL
1. Is the field suppose to be spread out? I was qualifing for a 80 lapper at
Silverstone. THe difference betweent he fastest and slowest time is like 17
sec (1:31 by Clark and 1:48 for the other Ferrari) Is it suppose to be like
that or is something wrong?
2. What is a good time at Silverstone? My best lap is 1;33:50
3. My frame rate at the start really bites. I seem to be getting 14 or 26
fps when i am sitting on the grid (the letters for the fps are too small,
too hard to see even at 1024x768 res) Is there a light I suppose to look for
for the start or do they use that stupid flag man? It seems like sometime he
sticks it up and not wave it. Sometimes he would. What am i suppose to do?!?
4. Is there anyway I can check for damages on my suspension? I am asking
because I do tap walls quite often. If the steering wheel stay straight,
does it mean i am okay?
5. I remember in GP2, there are a few "greatest crash sites". I am wondering
if there are any of those for GPL because is fun to see cars flying on top
of you :)
6. Can I damage my car if I ride on the curbs too much? (like the ones in
Monaco and Silverstone)