I suggest reading:
Pay special attention to 7.0: part 7.0 Anti-Spamming
Oh well, let me quote the good part, just for fun:
Not only may BDG terminate You from receiving Internet Services in BDG's sole and
absolute discretion for using unsolicited e-mail to gain referrals (a "spammer"),
BDG will also sever the branch of the "referral tree" made up of direct and
extended referrals obtained by the spammer and may terminate the license to use the
Winfire Browser Assistant.
So you can forget about your free DSL service and modem.
Have a nice day,
Johan Veenstra
7.0 Anti-Spamming
BDG users may not use spam to obtain Referrals. You may not use unsolicited
e-mail, usenet, message board postings, or similar correspondence (spam) to
gather referrals. (Usenet and message board spam are messages sent or posted
which are unrelated to the topic of discussion of the particular news group
or message board.) The use of spam to promote the BDG Services has strict
negative consequences. Not only may BDG terminate You from receiving
Internet Services in BDG's sole and absolute discretion for using
unsolicited e-mail to gain referrals (a "spammer"), BDG will also sever the
branch of the "referral tree" made up of direct and extended referrals
obtained by the spammer and may terminate the license to use the Winfire
Browser Assistant.
Bill Sasnett
BillySnass on N3 and DTR
SNASSCAR League Administrator
SNASSCAR Website: www.zyworld.com/Snasscar/home.htm