
OT: Want to know who Tony Stewart was talking about?

Jan Koh

OT: Want to know who Tony Stewart was talking about?

by Jan Koh » Wed, 30 May 2001 14:16:19

> LOL, you seriously think that driving a race car is the same as driving a
> passanger car mentally? LOL

> No offense, but that is a classic..

Well, if you don't think you need to concentrate completely on
what you're doing while driving, then I recommend taking a bus.
There are too many people like that causing accidents everyday...
hence the reason I *DO* concentrate 100% while driving on the roads.


?? Jan Kohl ??
The Pits -
Castle  Graphics -

George Lewi

OT: Want to know who Tony Stewart was talking about?

by George Lewi » Thu, 31 May 2001 09:31:56

First off, if you *are* driving properly, you SHOULD be using 100% of
your mental capacity for driving.  The problem is that too many stupid
people don't pay attention and cause stupid accidents.  I'm talking
USA though because we have alot of international members here...

If you take your mentality to the Geman autobahn, you had better stay
in the right lane or you might not survive!

As for driving a racecar, it's actually easier IMHO.  You have a
consistent track, and you have drivers you know pretty well.  Yeah,
you run at faster speeds but it's really not that big of a deal...

George Lewi

OT: Want to know who Tony Stewart was talking about?

by George Lewi » Thu, 31 May 2001 09:33:26

Scott Sharp lost it on the first lap in the Indy 500.  What's his
excuse - too tired?  I think not.

>'re wrong.  Look at the evidence.

>Tony spun on lap 2 because he was tired and not used to the stock car.
>THANK GOD he was dead last or he woulda taken the field with him.

>The guy is a menace.

>    -Phasor

>> After the race, a somewhat irate Tony commented on a media person who said
>> that his 1100 mile attempt was 'dangerous'...


>> IMHO...that article was written by a complete idiot.  I've driven 1100
>miles in a day
>> (Albuquerque, NM to St. Louis, Mo) and with less time to sit down and
>'relax' as Tony
>> gets in his helicopter rides and plane flight.  And I certainly wasn't a
>danger to others
>> on the roadways or so tired I couldn't see straight.  This guy probably
>gets overcome
>> with exhaustion driving to the grocery store...

>> Cheers!

>> --
>> ?? Jan Kohl ??
>> The Pits -
>> Castle  Graphics -


OT: Want to know who Tony Stewart was talking about?

by Eldre » Fri, 01 Jun 2001 04:31:13

>First off, if you *are* driving properly, you SHOULD be using 100% of
>your mental capacity for driving.  The problem is that too many stupid
>people don't pay attention and cause stupid accidents.  I'm talking
>USA though because we have alot of international members here...

I really don't think 100% is necessary - otherwise, you couldn't talk to your
passengers, or even listen to the radio.  However, I wish people would use more
than the 50-60% I seem to see around here... :(

Dale Earnhardt, Sr. R.I.P. 1951-2001
Homepage -
F1 hcp. +24.63...F2 +151.26...

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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Wayne Bradle

OT: Want to know who Tony Stewart was talking about?

by Wayne Bradle » Fri, 01 Jun 2001 06:05:56

I agree 100% with this statement,

"tony was right, all those whining about how safe it was for him to do this


> holy frijole,

> the leader of the indy race and fastest qualifier lost it and hit the wall
> and the whole field was behind him and he had raced mile 0.  should he be
> pulled from the track? how many races have you seen where someone spins on
> the first lap and takes others with him?  none?  well you haven't watched
> freakin lot of a racing.

> tony held on and finished 3rd.  jesus y maria!  he really needs to be
> out back and shot for endangering others.

> u other idjits picking on jan.  read what he said.... tony in car 6 hours,
> jan in car 16.  he's talking concentration here.  lets not mention
> endurance drivers,  oh no!  let's not mention them.

> tony was right, all those whining about how safe it was for him to do this
> are indeed "idiots."

> >'re wrong.  Look at the evidence.

> >Tony spun on lap 2 because he was tired and not used to the stock car.
> >THANK GOD he was dead last or he woulda taken the field with him.

> >The guy is a menace.

> >    -Phasor