words, and Driver kicks some serious big-ass boat ass too. I'm so glad
someone's finally putting out FUN games that have cool realistic physics.
It's all in the physics. watching the driver replays are awesome! it's
like watching your favorite old car-chase movies, but with cooler sh*t!
And revolt is just beyond fun, and the physics are pretty amazing in that
one too.
I for one, am impressed with these two new titles.... Hmmm... and I thought
it would be N3 taking up my time?..?...?....
I still LOVE GPL, nothing will ever touch it, but It's not so much a FUN
game you know? I mean, I have fun playing it, its just more of a
challenge/simulation/(can't find the words here) thingy, than a fun game. I
hope I won't be misunderstood here. GPL is just a different (albeit equally
as good if not better) experience than just sitting down to a fun arcadey
game. I wonder if anyone will ever produce a game as good as gpl.
Acutally I wouldn't mind if they didn't, I'd never have to upgrade my