I raced at Rouen last weekend and came upon the strangest thing. I
showed the race to be a nine lap event. During the race, I was
eventually motoring around in 2nd about 18 seconds down to 1st.
Somebody who wasn't racing was doing the color commentary. Well, both
the commentator and the 1st place driver were racing in an EIGHT lap
race! The commentator and the 1st place driver saw the checkers after
eight laps, while I had to complete nine laps to see the checkers. And
to make things even stranger, he was listed on his screen as finishing
first with me in second, while I was listed on my screen as fininshing
first with him one lap down. I had nine lap times after the race while
he had eight lap times. I never got any penalty flags, didn't start
from the pits, and was never shown down a lap. I was always shown on
my pit board as some number of seconds back. Anyone run across
something similar?
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