fuel consumption for human controlled cars?
1. The car is harder to driver on lap 5 than lap 55. Reason: more fuel.
2. No matter how hard you try, you will never match qualifying times
in a practice sessions, even on Qs. Reason: more fuel.
-- Gizmo
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: Maby I didn't frase myself clearely enough, because what I ment was
: that one should be able to set initial fuel-load and the tactics about
: pit-stops (tyres/fuel) before the race.
: Siggi
F1GP simulates the 1991 season. In 1991 refueling was forbidden so all
you could do is change tires. You can do it in the game and in my opinion
stopping to change tires is always an advantage, even if sometime
you can make all the race with the same set.
What I really don't like is not being able to set the fuel-load in
practise sessions. Now the only way you can learn how to handle
some curves with a full fuel load is to try them in a 100% race.
Quite unrealistic. And if you want to practise with rain, you must
configure the game to have wet short races. There is no other way
to be sure to drive with rain. (am I right?)
Paolo Montrasio