Uhhhh....HUH..What?? Coma se yama. me no espeaka de
Pleas repeat in english..Thanks,
Uhhhh....HUH..What?? Coma se yama. me no espeaka de
Pleas repeat in english..Thanks,
I have an idea that should help us all get races started quicker and
less*** around in the Chat rooms means less $$$$
Ok this might***off the Hawaii "gods" a little so if you read this
Ed and don't approve let me know.
Here goes--- I have noticed as has everyone else that sometimes it
takes forever to get a race started since a lot of people just hang
out in the chat rooms and won't join until it is in "practice". next
thing you know there are 25-30 racers there after taking 15 minutes or
more to get the race started. We could all help each other out by
just joining the race while you wait for your own race to build up.
Then quit as soon as you get in there. The race will continue without
you and you don't get penalized unless it is in "quallify". I thought
at first that it might hurt the number of racers but since a lot more
will join in after it's in "practice" then no harm is done.
look for a race that is shy 2 or 3 people and join it. then quit
easy as that. If we can get a lot of people doing it then we can all
save a little money and have quicker "forming" races.
any other ideas?
car # 2, 3, 4, 5, ,10, 24, and many others on Hawaii
Ed Martin
Producer, Series Director
NASCAR Racing League
Papyrus / Sierra On-Line, Inc.
No problem Ed I won't do it then. sorry I brought it up in here and
hope that it's not late. no more posts about it from me
Mike Lewis
I still think you had half of it right.... Rather than just hang around
waiting for the "perfect" race, it would be nice if people would just
join something.
A race with 15 people on the "wrong" track is more fun than 5 races with
3 people in each....or waiting for 15 minutes for them to make up their
minds. It's frustrating to wait for "just one more person" in a race,
and watch a Tally race get done - 25 new people in the chat room, and
NOT EVEN ONE person tries a new track....they all jump into another
Tally (taking the rest of the chat room with them).
After all, who logs into Hawaii just to race against ONE other car?
Just my $0.02, your mileage may vary... etc.
: more to get the race started. We could all help each other out by
: just joining the race while you wait for your own race to build up.
: Then quit as soon as you get in there. The race will continue without
: you and you don't get penalized unless it is in "quallify". I thought
: at first that it might hurt the number of racers but since a lot more
: will join in after it's in "practice" then no harm is done.
In theory you are correct; However, in reality you DO get penalized by
simply joining a race. Unless Papy has fixed this bug you can sometimes
get shown in the log files as having been in a race when you actually
exited during practice. It's a huge points issue when this happens. I've
got several races where I did just what you're requesting... and they all
showed up on my report as having Q'd last... didn't turn a single lap.
The last time I had the issue was on May 30... exited a C***te race
with about 30 seconds left in practice (I had to work that night and
decided since I couldn't finish, I'd just leave). WOW! Showed up that I
Q'd second?! I never even Q'd let along get second. In any event, I got a
-65 rating point for that little "don't get penalized unless in qualify"
Papy though may have fixed this ... and not told anyone. Ed?
Someone who gets lost in thought doesn't go there very often...
I had a conversation with Ken Driscoll a few months back and was
informed that he'd write up something that would not allow ratings to
be calculated for someone who ran less laps than the race required.
For instance if your name shows up at a 5% Atlanta race then you would
not gain or lose any points if the standings show you -18 or -17 laps
behind. I'm not absoulutely positive that this has been done but
maybe ED can clear it up for us. Thanks ED :)
Virtual Velocity Racing
"Race for the Sake of the Race"