% Yasunari, I have been using my SuperSport for GPL for 4-5 months now, and I
% use Direct Input, not Generic, with very good results. The only drawback is
% that gpl was not included in the list of supported games on the Thrustmaster
% cd, so I have to recalibrate for every GPL session.....Once a night I don't
% mind, it's good to be sure that the calibration is fresh, but sometimes I
% have to do it for every race online, which is a real time sucker.....I need
% to contact Thrustmaster to see if they have a solution. If I find one, I'll
% post it...See Ya, Ed
You need to upgrade the software drivers for the Super Sport. You can
find them at Thrustmaster's Support pages at http://www.thrustmaster.com
Then you shouldn't have to re-calibrate each time you run a program.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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