Thats fairly easy, The Logitech wins by a landslide.
The T2 is no longer manufactuered or supported by Thrustmaster, so
when it wears out you are once again fishing for a new wheel or 3rd
party potetiometers(sp!) Also you cannot separate the gas and brake
pedals without re-wiring the pedal unit. If you get involved in GPL,
you will want the gas and brake on separate axis'
Have fun and good luck
dave henrie
> Hello,
> I am a newbie to GPL.
> After test-playing it at a friend, I instantly order a copy. But I have
> not driving wheel. I have 2 choices come into mind:
> 1. TM Formula T2 (T2)
> 2. Logitech Wheel Formula Force (LWFF)
> Which one should I go to? Or is there any recommendations? Oh, don't
> tell me it is Microsoft Force Wheel...
> Sent via
> Before you buy.