To crack F1GP just find out what version of the game you have and
replace the appropriate code:
ver 1.03 (gp.exe 332840 -> 11-25-92 )
BA 43 00 B0 00 EE 4A 4A
to BB 92 0B B8 0B 00 5A CB
and use the code "monza" to run the games
ver 1.04 (gp.exe 321716 -> 3-4-93 )
B8 00 00 9A 0A 08 64 8B C1 EB 02
to B8 0B 00 9A 25 08 64 8B BB E4 02
and use the code "monza" to run the game
ver 1.05
B8 00 00 9A 0A 08 6E 8B C1 EB 02
to B8 0B 00 9A 25 08 6E 8B BB E4 02
and use the code "monza" to run the game
I've only tried the ver 1.05 and it seems to work welll
PS: Monaco - qualif - 1.14.574
race - 1.16.4??
_/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Anthony D Green
_/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ University of Kent at Canterbury
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ "A black hole is where God is
_/ _/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ dividing by zero......"