I'd just like to take a moment to publicly congratulate the winners in
this tournament.
The Professional Championship was won by "Irieite", a guy who also holds
record breaking replays on several tracks. Irieite routinely smashes
the records set by MGI, and does so during a real tournament race. If
your best laps are still far off any record lap times, you might want to
check out the relays at our web site.
Also, Congrats go out to "Gooz", who won the Amateur Championship.
Thanks to everyone who helped out and made this tournament the best and
most fun event it could be.
The 2nd tourney is starting on Sunday January 24 and there's still time
to sign up if interested. MGI has released a beta multiplayer patch for
the next tournament, see the web page for more info. It improves an
already great multiplayer game.
John 'Zaphoid' Krutke
1 on 1 Viper Racing Tournament