I have noticed a few posts inquiring how to pack Snetterton into a data
file, so i have put together a simple instruction set, i hope it helps.
Firstly, you will need the two utilities, Pack.exe & Unpack.exe..
Copy all the files out of your GPL\Tracks\Snett folder into a temporary
folder, i called mine: Snettemp
Now you have to use a text editor, like , Notepad, to make up a "PCK
" file, which holds all the file names that are to be included into the
"snett.dat" file..
Also, you will need to add up the file names you include in the "PCK"
file and insert that number into the "PCK" file, like in the example i
have made below.
Or if you are too lazy to make up your own "PCK" file, then you could
just use my "PCK" file i made up for myself and included here for
The first line of your "PCK" file MUST be: "snett.dat" without the
rabbit ears, and the following line has to be the number of files you
have included in your "PCK" text file..
TAKE NOTE, if you use my "PCK" file, i deleted all the default setups
from the "Snett" folder, so if you wish to retain the default setup
files, the files that read: "setup.lo1", "setup.lo2", "setup.lo3"
etc etc, you will need to add them to my "PCK" file..
( don't forget to add the revised number to the "262" )
However, those setup files are not needed, as GPL defaults to a
standard default setup if there are no setup files located in the
specific track folder and i prefer to make my own setups anyway...
So to continue, using the text editor, open up a new text file called:
"snett.pck" and add all the file names in the "snettemp" folder to
it, other than the following files, don't add these..
The above files are best left in the GPL\Tracks\Snett folder.
Don't try packing or including files\filenames into your "PCK" file
that have 8 digit or longer file names, you will be most upset at the
resulting errors that you produce.. :)
Below is the first few lines from my "snett.pck" file, to give you an
example of how to start it..
The "262" is the total ammount of the files that i wanted to pack
into my "snett.dat" file after i repacked it.
The number "262" has to add up to the total ammount of file names you
have entered into the "snett.pck" txt file, don't count the first
line "snett.dat" or the "262" line in your total file count...
After you have entered all the filenames into your "snett.pck" file,
add up the ammount of filenames you have in your "snett.pck" file and
enter that number where i have my number of "262", then save it into
the "snetttemp" folder you just made up and exit from Notepad.
Make sure you have the file "Pack.exe" in your path statement, or copy
it into the "snetttemp" folder before you go to the next step.
Open up a dos shell and go to the "snettemp" folder and type:
pack snett.pck [ENTER]
That will pack all the files that you added to the "snett.pck" file
into a file called: snett.dat.
Now, go to the GPL\Tracks\Snett folder and delete all files from that
folder except for the following, these should remain in the
GPL\Tracks\Snett folder:
When you have done that, copy the file "snett.dat" that you just
created, from the "Snettemp" folder into the GPL\Tracks\Snett folder.
You should now have a total of 12 files in your GPL\Tracks\Snett
folder, rather than the 260 odd you did have..
Hope that helps a bit.
Snett.pck 2K Download |