Tuesday. I must say all the advance praise is (for the most part)
these cars are fun as heck to drive, even if they are squirrely in
Surprisingly, I find them EASIER to drive on road courses than the
behemoths: I get little of that annoying 'side to side' tilting which is
wiping me out in N2002 as I try to negotiate a series of esses (for
Of course I am still using traction control-so sue me.
And the user-made courses...! My faves so far are Milano (and
with just the hibanks), Greenland, and Senzapatria-outstanding all.
Dave I hope
you are eventually planning to convert some of these fantasy courses to
imagine going around Miloval flat out in a stock car >drool<...
So naturally I have a few questions. The only dark spot for me is
the relative
(as compared to the NASCAR sims) lack of functionality. I can't tweak
preferred gametype like I am used to, and it is getting >mighty<
I miss the digital speedometer (accessible via the 'view 12' trick in
the player.ini
file, which unfortunately won't let me see my chalkboard guy for some
independent race lengths and AI strength (the damned things are either
much too
fast or much too slow, and a utility I just DLed which purported to slow
them down
instead speeded them up a ton-GPL AI Tweaker 1.03 by a Kari Ikonen), and
few other things.
So...how high should you let your revs get (I typically drive the
Eagle or Ferrari)
so as to NOT fry your engine? At Miloval I can't run at 9300 for much
than 20 laps before she blows.
The AI appears to (or should I say supposedly) adjusts to your speed
awhile-but the docs that came with the game don't go into any detail
about that.
How exactly does that work? Will they slow down if they keep lapping
race after race? How many laps is enough to get them 'optimized'?
Certain corners at certain tracks I have learned to have a LOT of
with, because even if my entry is clean and there is no yaw when I am
(and I'm not breaking too hard), I will still spin even if it seems like
I am doing
everything right...?
I find it amusing when the drivers have this permanent grin
plastered on their
faces, even if they have just plummeted off the highest hump at
and are falling 500 feet to their doom...
TIA for any help, and if anyone has some no-nonsense newbie links
I'd appreciate it. I doubt I will ever be good enough to keep up with
all you
hotshots online, but I still plan to enjoy myself. ;-)
John DiFool
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
depends on the unreasonable man.
-George Bernard Shaw-