> I have raced Nascar1 on Hawaii since it has started and just got a new
>computer capable of running Nascar2 properly and was wondering if the
>gameplay was anywhere near as good on TEN as it was on Hawaii. I will be
>using my ISP rather than a direct call.
>Any help would be appreciated.
I never did Hawaii but NROS is excellent. I've been on for 2 days and have
found most of the racers to be quite good AND courteous. Be prepared for
some swearing and a few idiots, however. Especially if you (or another)
take someone out accidently. I figure these people are LSBC's (left side
of bell curve)
I'm using my ISP with no bandwidth problems _most_ of the time.
Before I joined I banged on TEN and Valhalla with ping. I averaged 198ms
after a few thousand trys (using a Perl script my Cal Poly employee wrote).
A few suggestions that has helped me:
Do NOT have your screensaver running while on NROS.
Lock your modem at 19200.
Before starting NROS do a crl-alt-del and make sure the only
apps running are systray and explorer. Shut off everything else.