Does anybody have a Thrustmaster ACM installed? If so, what difference
does it make in gameplay? I'm considering buying it, but wanted to
check the NG for info.
Next, I need a new graphics card. I have a Gateway 2000 Pentium Pro
200 with the 4mb STB Virge card it came with, but its performance is
sadly lacking in newer games. I'm thinking of buying an Intergraph
Intense Voodoo card. Is this the best option, or would I be better off
getting a dedicated 3D accelerator instead? It's becoming apparent
that the card has to be 3dfx instaed of Rendition, so I at least have
THAT much figured out.
So, summing up:
Is the ACM worth a damn?
Intergraph Intense or accelerator? (and if accelerator, which
one--can't go much above $200).
Prediction: Coulthard and Schumacher fighting it out for championship
in Oct.