> Sometime this evening someone posted a message here to Ed Martin about
> his attitude.It had my e-mail address as the sender and I was not even
> aware of this until I checked my mail this evening.I had five pieces of
> mail calling me names I will not repeat.I have since found and read
> this post and to my disbelief;found my e-mail address attatched to
> it.To whom ever it may concern;I did not post this and I have no idea
> how someone could gain access to my address.If anyone knows who is
> responsable for this please contact me.If they are on netcom;I will try
> my best to have them removed.I like most people that frequent this
> newsgroup enjoy reading post that Ed makes and I also appreciate the
> insight that he provides for all of us.While I agree that we should all
> treat each other with mutual respect;I feel that Ed does this on a
> constant basis.And to Ed; I am deeply sorry that this has happened but
> I'm sure you already know that the majority of us in this newsgroup are
> thrilled that you take the time as often as you do to answer our many
> questions.And to whom ever you are using my address;you should spend
> more time learning to spell and puncuate correctly than to try and
> bother everyone in here.You better hope I never find out who you are.To
> everyone else; thank you for reading this and giving me a chance to
> explain my side of things.
> Darrell HAWAII bigdymd