Hi, I run the biggest F1GP site on the net (http://www.grandprix1.com).
There is a page on my site where I give info on how to buy the game from an
online store. The page is http://www.grandprix1.com/community/buy.shtml
Please do not ask me to send you a copy as I do not support software piracy.
If you get the game please come back and visit my site. There is plenty of
stuff there for the F1GP racer.
John Slade (ICQ #19533369)
Everything for Microprose F1GP
>I know this is an oldie... but I have good memories to this sim playing it
>on my old 286 years ago... I lost the game and can't find it anywhere :( Is
>there somebody out there who still has the game? If so, please send me an
>where you can upload it and download any game you want from my FTP in