go **** you self
The person, Bevis, who penned all these unfortunate misguided attempts
at showing the progress of evolutional mankind, (not that I ever believed
evolution), posted these messages from nntp.sprintmail.com. I
have contacted sprint in relation to this, and should
recieve a message from them shortly.
Folks, use your heads instead of the keyboard. There are very few
out there who know how to make themselves untraceable, and on a newserver,
it's near to impossible to do it. Go to the posting server and contact the
tech department about the alledged offenses. Most of them will be more
than happy to take care of the problem, especially if it deals with
copyright or
racial offenses, as knowingly allowing someone to continue to perpetrate
these actions will make them just as guilty as the offender.
Anyone who thinks this is an attempt to prevent "free speech" on the
Internet is
obviously fooling themselves. It has NEVER been either correct, good
or even *legal* to send harrassing messages to people's houses. There is a
difference between voicing your opinion and cursing at people, calling them
slurs, and otherwise degrading them.
Have a good day.
**do not reply to email address in header**
??Jan Kohl?? **The Pits Performance Team**
Computer Systems Programmer
USAF Air-Ground Operations School
Hurlburt Field, FL
Castle Graphics - http://www.racesimcentral.net/
The Pits - http://www.racesimcentral.net/