Just thought I add my 0.02cent worth .
When I read and saw the earlier review / screenshots of
this Rally Championship 2000, I was not very optimistic.
Seemed like another QAF rally or something like that.
This game is great if you like to get the rally experience
without paying through your nose.
( the real thing is very expensive )
1) No more invisible wall
This to me was the main problem with the old game.
YOu could actually bounce off those invisible walls
without going off.
Not the GPL thing !
Now RC2000 has lots of area if you over cook the corner
and sometimes it even has cliff sides and deep ditches
which you can't get out.
However the pathway itself is very narrow, just like in
the real rally.
2) sense of speed
Of all the games I tried , this is the only one that
could really give a sense of movement and acceleration.
Partly due to the excellent graphics in the game,
you DO ACTUALLY FEEL := "wow this is fast"
The sort of breakneck feeling that you get when
you watch the "in-car camera " of actual footage.
This is very well presented here.
3)out standing graphics
I am using one of those modern graphic cards, TNT
so your experience might be different, especially
if you use those inferior older card like voodoo3 :-O
( 3DFX is part of our *** history )
4) steering too pointy
Although in real rally cars the steering
ratio is very high, ie cars are very pointy.
In a computer game and using joystick,
it is VERY DIFFICULT to accurately
place the cars.
Compounding this problem , the roads
in rally are very narrow and curbs that will
easily bounce you off.
5) great inertia and weight transfer
True to real rally cars which has practically everything
stripped off to save weight, ( some even use carbon
fibre to save weight ).
These rally cars have very high POWER-WEIGHT RATIO.
Hence they do behave a little like radio controlled cars.
and do bounce around quite easily and jumps over humps
and crest with relative ease.
Again this is consistent with real rally cars.
6) fantasic navigator
the new navigator give very informative
lead on what is ahead....
if only I was listening.
Several times I overcook a corner and lands into
a ditch, then I recalled someone saying " chicane ahead "
But use only the FEMALE navigator.
The MALE is hopeless.
He would say " chain ahead ", " dirty " , when he meant
chicane ahead or thirty.........
Sometimes I actually look to my side and thrash him
with my spanner !!
This is what happens when you ask a scot man to speak
Best regards