> The AI update for Talladega will be on the update of The Pits and does
> allow the cars to run 2-3 wide, usually 2 and in all turns.
> Yes, I know the updates been a long time coming, but I've been rather
> tied up with work and the Daytona thing.
> Jed
> The Pits
> http://www.ukps.com/thepits
> http://www.arc.net/users/jkohl/thepits/
I don't understand why you're spending time doing this. In November, we
will have the tri-oval fixed in NCR2. In the meantime, even if the AI
do go around dega 2-3 wide, we can't. We'd be at a major disadvantage
everytime we get to the tri-oval. We would have to get in line and hope
no other driver decides to make it 2 wide. I don't see how you could
get through a race there without wrecking unless you were up front, and
what fun would that be. I'd like to run 2-3 wide. I'll wait for
Papyrus to do it right.
David Martin