Will Ubisoft F1 run with a Diamond Stealth64 Video 3000 grapics card?
vcard.vcf < 1K Download |
Will Ubisoft F1 run with a Diamond Stealth64 Video 3000 grapics card?
vcard.vcf < 1K Download |
To be more exact, it is a Diamond Stealth64 Video 3200 grapics card that
I own.
vcard.vcf < 1K Download |
No, F1RS requires either Direct3d or 3dfx acceleration. Stealth64 is
2d only. You'll either need to get a 3dfx add-on card, or replace your
Stealth64 with a recent 2d/3d combo board.
>Will Ubisoft F1 run with a Diamond Stealth64 Video 3000 grapics card?
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