present. Now I just have to convince myself not to drop out of grad school
to play Indycar full time.
A couple of quick questions:
1) Has the wheel always come with Indycar Racing? I already had a copy,
so I'm now the proud owner of 2 copies, but I was just curious. It's
version 1.05, so the game itself is current (I only got 1.05 by getting
the add-on tracks).
2) What's the best way to secure it to the desk? I can't even get the
suction cups into the bottom of the controller, and I'd have to get
an overlay for my desk that they would stick to in any case. The
velco strips look pretty heavy duty, but would have to be permanently
attached to the desk, which isn't preferrable. Anyone tried anything
3) My pedal unit has screws, not rivets, so I guess I have a newer
revision than those with the rivets (and hopefully stronger springs).
I'd still like to limit the travel as has been suggested here, but
I lost the file on how to do that. Do you just place a block of wood
back there, or does it have to be attached to stay in place?
A great addition to the game for certain, just wish I had more
time to drive.
Rick Cameron