a toy outlet store. I have P3 550, 128 RAM,
Diamond Viper 32 non-ultra (TNT). So plenty of
horsepower (can run N3 at 1024x with everything on,
and get over 30 fps).
Downloaded 1.2 patch, also OpenGL driver, followed
instructions to apply.
Side Q: The OpenGL driver has a file called core.ini
to copy to your GPL directory. I did this as instructed.
But GPL directory already has core.ini.sample.
Should I combine these or leave them separate?
Are both used (definitely would like to use core.ini.sample
as it has the force feedback bool). If combined
should the file be core.ini or core.ini.sample?
Main Q: I can only run 640x. If I try 800x, the
frame rate slows way down, to 1 or 2 frames every 10 secs.
I have updated the three core.ini values (first,
which can be 0 or 1, is 0; mipmapping etc. is 2;
mirrorsevery is 4.) If I try 1024x, I get an internal
error and crash back to my desktop.
I have mirror detail set to cars only. Slider in middle.
Windows color set at 16 bit. I have not messed with
this "Use block transfer" thingy because the posts I have
read seem to imply it mainly affects the mirror problems.
My driver is from Diamond - got it in November so it may
be old. Should I try another driver (e.g. www.nvidia.com)?
Anyone have 1024x or even 800x working with a Diamond
Viper using Diamond's drivers?
Doug Appleyard
"Bound to cover just a little more ground"
Sent via Deja.com http://www.racesimcentral.net/
Before you buy.