Ross Hendr


by Ross Hendr » Wed, 23 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Ok ive just got a 3dfx card and my next thing i want to get are a few of the
latest racers, you see im a quake a holic and i always stuck to Grand Prix
2, but Formula 1 games are my other interest, i just havent really bought
any for a while the last was F1 '97 from Psygnosis. So what is the best
Grand Prix game at the moment?, and what is the best "American racer",
Nascar, cart etc?
Thanks- Ross Hendry


by ymenar » Wed, 23 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Ross Hendry wrote

Hmm let's see...

First of all.. the best "Nascar" type is Nascar Racing 2. Well, you should
wait around 1-2months for the new updated simulator called Nascar Racing 99.
It's Nascar2 but updated to the 1998 season, with about every WinstonCup,
BuschGrandNational and Truck Series tracks. It also include a new truck
physics, it's Win95 native with a new 3dfx support. This would be your best
pic for a Nascar-type sim. If you can't wait, go buy the "Nascar 50th
Anniversary" deal, who is Nascar2 but with the Grand National expansion

For a Indycar-type sim... it's 1 choice.  IndyCar Racing 2, now known as
"Cart Racing" by Papyrus.   Cart:Precision Racing is the only other choice,
but it's one of the biggest disappointment in history. No-no for you

As for a Formula1 sim.. first of all, BUY Grand Prix Legends. It's around
1year ahead of any product in quality and realism of racing. Your 3dfx card
will make miracle in it ;-D   . It's just soo incredible. A _must_ for any
racing fan.  It's a reality-recreation (heh) of the 1967 Formula 1 era. Just
great... check out the demo everywhere.

As for another F1 sim, the only choice I see is Formula1RacingSim (F1RS) by
UbiSoft. It's good, has strong points and weak points. As high as Gp2 I
would say. The sequel is planned in not long, but actually it's really a
***product. Stick with the first one I would say.

IMHO, always

- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard> Good race at the Brickyard!
- Official Mentally retarded guy of r.a.s.
- Excuse me for my English (I'm French speaking)
- Sponsored by
- "People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."--

Paul Jone


by Paul Jone » Thu, 24 Sep 1998 04:00:00

How do you know Monaco Racing will be a ***product? Is there a demo available?

GPL is extremely smart but '67 cars are nothing like modern F1s so I don't see
it competing with F1RS or GP2 except for by taking up the time you spend playing
GPL and F1RS will both use your 3dfx card effectively.
F1'97 has good graphics but the rest of it is a really ***product (except the
Cart:Precision Racing has shite AI cars but tell me a sim (apart the GPL until
we find them out) that doesn't. If you want to find good opponents then you have
to use humans and CPR has very good physics and multiplayer/connect play.
N2 is the best NASCAR program but the Touring Car frig for N2 just doesn't cut
it - you can't build Touring Cars and particulary the crash and bash nature of
TC racing by fiddling around at the edges. If you want accurately modelled
Touring Cars and TC racing use TOCA - excellant physics and racing but no setups
or damage - TOCA2 in December in UK, sometime later in US will have damage and
setups and US circuits.

Jan Koh


by Jan Koh » Thu, 24 Sep 1998 04:00:00

And how do you know that the 'crash and bash nature of TC' racing can't be done by
our patch?  Just ask all the drivers of our TPTCC season if they think the AI modelling
is inaccurate...and many of them are from countries where touring car racing is the
premier sport, instead of something you see on TV.  Methinks that you must have
gotten bad AI from somewhere, the AI modelling in our 'tweaked' TPTCC patch is
much better than TOCA, you don't have cars getting piled up behind slow cars that
you can pass in droves when they get bottled up.  


??Jan Kohl??        **The Pits Performance Team**
Computer Systems Programmer
USAF Air-Ground Operations School
Hurlburt Field, FL

Castle Graphics -
The Pits -

Ford Prefe


by Ford Prefe » Thu, 24 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Indycar 2.

Paul Jone


by Paul Jone » Wed, 30 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Yes it's six of one and half a dozen of the other. Lead cars in TOCA seem to have major
problems overtaking back markers. Also lap times in races are way off those in qualifying.
They also***up the lines badly and too often. But the Nascars don't swap paint with you
and spin if you brush them with a feather. Both need work. I take it you've been involved
with Nascar. It's a great product, it really is, I play 3 sims regularly TOCA, F1RS and
Nascar. The main problem with N2 are the oval circuits which I find rather dull, but I
guess that's cos I've been bred on European circuits and don't really understand the
attraction of ovals.
Paul Jone


by Paul Jone » Wed, 30 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I have my copy of ICR2 somewhere over the Atlantic as I write. I can't wait to get
the cellophane off :-)
Also can't wait for GPL, CMR and TOCA 2. I'm going to have to start rationing which
sims I play. :-(
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