Well, I decided to go out and buy my Guillemot/Thrustmaster Ferrari FF Wheel
today, 2-3 weeks earlier than I intended. I couldn't wait any longer :) My
gosh, I'm like a kid with a new toy! I really should start acting my age you
know ;) (36). I had to go out a bit today though so I have only had about an
hour with it :( After writing this I am off to give it a good testing! It
sure is a strange feeling, going from a 3 year old, worn out, thrustmaster
sprint, to this magnificent beast :D What a difference! I can now actually
steer with "accuracy", for a change! I would like some help with core.ini FF
setting from fellow Ferrari wheel users please. If you would be kind enough
to tell me the lines you have under [Joy], and why you prefer these settings
in particular, I would be most grateful. Here are mine as they stand right
now, after a bit of fiddling around.
[ Joy ]
allow_force_feedback = 1 ; Use FF if device has it
force_feedback_damping = 2.000000 ; force feedback damping coefficient
force_feedback_latency = 0.020000 ; force feedback latency (secs)
max_steering_torque = 200.000000 ; steering torque in N*in giving
max device force
These settings I found in a message on RAS, but as I said, I have not had
much time to test anything else out. Also, if you decide not to use FF for
GPL, or any other sim/game, can the "motor" and other FF hardware inside get
damaged, or wear out quicker etc? Another thing, the two paddles UNDER the
ones marked up/down, which I of course use for gear changing, what are they
for? They don't seem to do anything at all! They don't even do anything in
the Thrustmaster/I-Force software :( Anyone know about these? Please tell me
ALL the best settings etc you folks use, so I may try them all out and see
what suits me best :) Obviously, my main concern is the BEST drivable
effects and stability for our beloved GPL. Throw in anything else you can
think may be helpful too please, such as Driver releases etc? Anything :)
BTW, when I first installed the wheel and software, I dived straight to GPL
to try it out, expecting this great kinda wheel shaking/vibrating stuff!
(Never tried FF before today at all!). Went to drive and noticed NO FF
EFFECTS at all, and thought, oh yeah, here we go! I discovered MUCH later
that I had forgotten to chang the line in core.ini to = 1, to allow Force
Feedback. DOH! :)
Thank you very much for your suggestions and help,
Mad Max.