On Wed, 12 Mar 2003 16:04:00 +0100, Sebastien Tixier
>hey Ruud, i answer u about he Obb/Triangles test problem u sent me by
>mail , but i don't know if you received it ?
Yes, thanks for that. :)
I didn't really carry on too much with my Tri-OBB, but in hindsight it
might work better than I thought it would, since there were some
problems with the way contacts were actually used (soft penetration
contact lead to situations where the car can hit a fence, and it looks
like ***, holding the car stuck to its hit point on the fence).
I know am trying a more easily graspable ellipsoid, which seems more
or less ok, and easier to generate contacts for (just 1 per triangle
is needed it seems). I reduce the ellipsoid/triangle to a
unitshpere/triangle situation. Lots of zeroes and 1's that you end up
with in that case, which makes optimizing possible.
I did yesterdaynight investigate more into ODE's tricollider package.
Couldn't get Opcode to compile AT ALL though (an understatement), but
did look at the tricollider code, and it turned out the latest
versions have tri-box and tri-sphere contact generation functions.
Now, the original sphere contact generation functions were however
quite close to what I am doing. :)
Also tried VR3 yesterday to look a bit at how it's interacting with
the environment. Looks solid. :)
Anyway, car-track interaction finally seems to have improved a lot by
now though; the ***y thing seems gone and I can slide along the
road side fences a bit. Although it was 4:30am yesterday when I saw
that, so it might have just been a dream. ;-)
I might take you up on the Tri-OBB again later though. First I have to
regain energy, do something else, fix some other bugs. You have to
take care of the brain every now & then. ;)
Ruud van Gaal
Free car sim: http://www.racesimcentral.net/
Pencil art : http://www.racesimcentral.net/