Racing Legends has now passed (20th October), or that no-one in the remnants
of this group bothered to mention it on the day.
> Some of us were going to meet up to celebrate the day but the ***y
> transporter never turned up...
Thanks for that - brought a smile to my face!
>>> I don't know what is sadder; that the 2nd anniversary of the last update
>>> at Racing Legends has now passed (20th October), or that no-one in the
>>> remnants of this group bothered to mention it on the day.
>> Some of us were going to meet up to celebrate the day but the ***y
>> transporter never turned up...
> LOL!
> Thanks for that - brought a smile to my face!
I wouldn't worry too much as the simracing community is spoilt for
choice at the moment, anyway. So many sims, not enough time!
Cheers, uwe
GPG Fingerprint: 2E 13 20 22 9A 3F 63 7F 67 6F E9 B1 A8 36 A4 61
The rumour I heard was that we were still waiting for a road to be built
big enough for it to run on :)
Isn't it the much "rumoured" fact that there is no game !! it was all a
Or did the guy that last say that get flamed to death...?
Personally I think the sim is still being wrote .... it's just taking a long
time, I would say it would take about 2-5 years for 2 guys to do the type of
project they had in mind !
So I figure there 3 years in know..? I could be wrong !
But if they need a hand then email me, I would happily pay them money to
work for them... !!!
What actually happened: the cat was driving, lost the rear on the parking
lot and crashed into the ground floor office space of the Wests. They all
survived, but you try typing on a keyboard with broken arms.
oh boy, that sim is doomed...
>>Some of us were going to meet up to celebrate the day but the ***y
>>transporter never turned up...
>> Personally I think the sim is still being wrote .... it's just taking a
>> long time, I would say it would take about 2-5 years for 2 guys to do the
>> type of project they had in mind !
> I would say that just about sums it up. In hindsight the Wests may now
> wish they had kept a lower profile at the beginning of their project but I
> really don't think they should be (or are) that concerned what gets said.
> I am sure if they were that sensitive to the banalities of internet
> forums - my own b***comments included :) they would have gone on to do
> something else long ago.
> Cheers
> Tony
You've got to love these and other comments from people who supposedly
know what the RL boys are doing, yet never have actually spoken with
them :-D
Funny stuff :-)