I have seen previews for this F1 Lankhor ( also known as Formula One
Lankhor, Lankhor Formula One, and Power F1 - I'm not sure which name
they are going to actually use but the Windows 95 version is called
Power F1 ) at four different PSX racing Web sites. Three of them say it
is due to be released in Sept. 1997 and one says Jan. 1998. Yet I see no
signs of it in the stores. Does anyone know for sure when it is due to
be released and what's its offical name will be? I am looking for a real
F1 simulator as an alternative to the WAY over-rated and horribly
disappointing F1 C.E. by Psynosis. ( I consider CART World Series THE
benchmark to compare all Indycar / F1 simulators to, as I think it is
one of the best race sim's out there ). Please E-Mail me if you know the
real release date. Thank you.