There was a call (all be it from a lone voice) for a more "nmformative"
FAQ posting in r.a.s. I think there is some value in this request.
However, I am not sure it's necessary to re-invent the wheel.
I know there are at least 3-4 good FAQ's out there. All I am asking is
that if you maintain a FAQ for one of the sims discussed here on a
regular basis, is to find a way to get them posted on a regular basis
here in r.a.s.
I am offering to post them on a regular bi-weekly rotation, or you can
post them yourselves. I don't believe we need to go through the
"official" ropes of making them official. However, if they are
maintained at a web site or an ftp site, I will include the URL in the
"official" r.a.s. introduction FAQ.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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