Kel wrote in a immature way:
Well, I should not post on r.a.s. but just read this please.
This person just demonstrated how racist and xenophobe people can be
sometimes. And If I said I was from Zimbabwe, the guy would had probably
said that African black people are all stupid. Call this immature. He
tries to involve my society in the thread, witch is provocative and out of
For those who dont know, we are presently 8million french speaking people
living in the province of Quebec, since about 400 years. We have a disctinc
language (french), distinc religion (Catholicism) and a different society
and mentality. During our history Englsh people tryed to assimilate
ourself, but we isolated ourself into the land and villages of Quebec. We
only wake up in 1960.
At this time, no French person wanted to live in our own Country, separated
from the rest of Canada. But in 30 years, with 2referendums on our future,
we passed from 0%, to 40% to 50% of people in the province who want to have
their own country. And all that with more and more immigrants living in our
We all know that someday you will wake up and CNN will annouce that you now
have a third country accessible from your land frontier (after Canada and
Mexico). Its just a matter of time and the second generation of "pre-baby
So whats the deal to bring up me and my society into all this ? Nothing. The
guy did a very immature thing, and for once you can tell I wasnt the stupid
guy here. I also wanted to globalise in 3paragraphs the history of our
nation, Quebec.
Oh you are probably speaking about the guy who told me "You suck because
french people suck just look at WW2 with France". At this time I just saw a
french guy on NROS so I started to talk to him in French instead. I have the
right to speak any language on NROS. Well, I was backed up by another french
guy, and he was pissed off when we said that we didnt live in France, but in
North America. The guy went out of the chat room. This is the only time I
was flamed on NROS. I have only friends there. You can continue with your
15min of fame, I dont care, I will reply to you always on what you write. It
is just stupid from yourself.
Fran?ois Mnard
ymenard on NROS
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