I suspect help is on the way since Alison Hine was hosting a race last night
which had as a comment line "testing GPL, please help". It was full
by the way so I would guess that .4 addresses some of the problems that
we've seen in the .3 version
David Erb
> Yes, let's.
> You all are playing with each other and guys like me and Mark S. can sit
> twiddle our thumbs. The patch has some great features, but they've gone
> far in optimizing it for faster machines. It just plain does not work on
> machine. Period. If you think I'm whining then pphhhhllllllllllbt! Now me
> and Mark can set up our own server that allows us 'original' guys, but
> going to come play with us? Having tasted online, I can tell you I don't
> like being excluded.
> "It has been the most problem-free racing sim ever released." Good point.
> The first sign of a sloppy technician is one who looks for problems that
> aren't there.
> --
> Mark Jeangerard
> www.soundchaserweb.com
> New Mexico USA
> > Regarding GPL and "The Patch", has anyone said to themselves, "Whoa
> > Just what the hell am I ***ing about?!!" when they've become
> > about the patch not working properly on their system?
> > Put it into context.........
> > Here in Oz the game cost (about) AUS $70 when released last October. It
> has
> > been the most problem-free racing sim ever released.
> > Since October, there have been more enhancements produced for GPL than
> > can poke a stick at.......tweaks, sounds, graphics.....you name it,
> somebody
> > has done it, including the addition of a very professionally-produced
> Brands
> > Hatch. Additional cost so far? NOTHING!
> > The patch, designed primarily to tweak a few minor *** problems,
> > for FF and on-line ***, is released in July. Additional cost?
> > Summary.............for over 9 months we have received more enjoyment
> > you would ever have believed possible from a $70-00 package.
> > I really, really wish that all other aspects of my life provided such
> value
> > for money.