Indycar. When you're driving a road course and you are the dialer, are
the opponent cars "smooth"? Let me describe what our connection is like:
at Cleveland with me the dialer, the opponent cars are so jumpy that it's
nearly impossible to tell where exactly they are on the track. And the
sound of the opponent cars - rather than a steady whiirrrrrrrr, it's a
whiRRRRrrrrRRRRRrrrrRRRRrrrr, corresponding to the jumps in the car.
I have a replay of me behind Bryan Herta - in one frame he's approximately 3-4
car lengths ahead in turn two at Cleveland... in the next frame my car reacts
as if it's hit him, even though he's still 3 car lengths ahead.
Unfortunately, Quantex sent me a generic modem, and no documentation
along with it, so I really don't know if I have error-correction,
etc., turned off like the manual mentions. I'm considering buying a
new modem, but before I spend the money I'd like to find out if a better
Indycar connection is actually possible. i.e., is anyone getting a "smooth"
connection where there's no jumpiness? If so, what kinds of modems do you
have at each end? etc....