> I enjoyed the pit stop timer in Nascar, I haven't seen anyone ask about it
> in the Newsgroup, did nobody else care about it.. I would think since you
> can now end repairs in the pit, to beat out the pack on the track, it seems
> like a pit timer would be nice instead of relying on "Ned"
> --
Mr. Gaines, I assume is who you are referring to, keeps you updated as
to where the pace car is. If you stop repairs by the time the pace car
is in T4, you should be able to make it out in time. Of course, you do
not want to do that when the pace car is coming in and the field is
going green. BTW, you cannot interrupt regular service such as tires
and fuel, but the crew will stop immediately upon your request after
regular service is complete. They also do not wait until regular
service is complete before they begin repairs. They begin repairs
immediately, at least you hear the hammers and saws immediately.
David Martin