SOS !!! I hate those Micro's....

Don Burnett

SOS !!! I hate those Micro's....

by Don Burnett » Mon, 01 Nov 1999 03:00:00

Hmm, I'm running DX7 , SB Live with Liveware 3.0 drivers, and V3 3000 and
have no problems running any of my games. I do close down creative launcher
before launching the sims though.

Don Burnette

> > No problems with GPL (or any other program) with DX7 but Liveware 3 for
> the
> > Live! soundcard and (Voodoo 3-3000) caused N3 and GPL not to work!
> Curiously
> > not on my second computer with Voodoo 2
> > Alan

> I also have a SBLive and a V3 3000, but I'm still on Liveware 2. So Lw 3
> seems to be another thing to avoid, if you want to play (sorry..., drive!)

> Peter
> Vienna, Austria


SOS !!! I hate those Micro's....

by Chris » Mon, 01 Nov 1999 03:00:00

Depends.  If the game needs Dx7 and it says so in the literature, then by
electing to install the game you are electing by default to install DX7.
Its rather pointless to install a game that needs whatever new version of DX
[or any other API].  However, the installer program SHOULD at least inform
you it needs to install DX version whatever and at least give you the option
of not installing the demo at that time.

But all this whining about DX7 being a malicious virus, "infecting the
system", being installed "without your permission", etc, etc. is the same
tired bs that happens at about every release of DX it seems.  Before
complaining, try updating ALL your drivers for audio, video and any other
*** periperhals.

And btw, when you click that "install ok" button in any installer program
you are giving that program your permission to install anything it needs,
period.  Try reading all the readme.txt and other information files that
come with a demo or other program to make sure agree for the most part with
what it is installing and the requirements, such as DX7, to run the
software.  If you don't agree with any of it, don't install the program.


SOS !!! I hate those Micro's....

by Jo » Mon, 01 Nov 1999 03:00:00

The above paragraph is the only whining I've seen here. I'm speaking
about this version, which doesn't work on my system, and was installed
by a developer who would do well do learn the phrase "sufficient
incompetence is indistinguishable from malice". Of course people are
pissed off at them.

BULLSHIT. It's MY system. No software should EVER update drivers or
any other system files without asking me for permission. Fortunately
most developers know this. I'm surprised that one as experienced as
Microprose does not.

Joe McGinn
Staff Writer for the Sports *** Network***.com/

Peter Prochazk

SOS !!! I hate those Micro's....

by Peter Prochazk » Tue, 02 Nov 1999 04:00:00


Yes. You're absolutely right. In fact, I've *never* seen any program, full
release or demo, which needed a certain version of DirectX, not to ask if I
want to install it. The installation *has* to inform me, when it wants to
make a major system change (which DirectX certainly is) *before* I click
that "install ok" button. And for a demo this is even more necessary. There
I don't have a box written on it "requires DirectX 7". I just want to d/l it
and fire it up to give it a try and not be forced to gather infos, if it
maybe could damage my system!
But all these problems wouldn't be there, if the idiots at Microsoft would
provide a way to uninstall DirectX (shouldn't be *that* hard, eh?). Are they
really so arrogant, that they think their newest DirectX version will work
with *every* hardware-driver-software combination out there? If not, why
don't they do it then?

Vienna, Austria

Dave Henri

SOS !!! I hate those Micro's....

by Dave Henri » Tue, 02 Nov 1999 04:00:00

> ...Microsoft for releasing DX7 without an option to go back to 6.1 and
> Microprose for installing this piece of sh** on my system without asking me
> first!
> And what happened? My LWFF is dead, of course! I read about this problem and avoided DX7 like the devil the holy water, but then I was s

  hmmmn  dx 7 on my system,  LWFF, still working and my Aureal 2.0
sounds comming through on other sims.  dunno what the problem is.
The stable systems seem to tolerate DX7 quite well.  But for some reason
many users are having troubles with it.
  I do find it amusing tho...back (waaay back) when DX 6 came out.  Man
there was screaming and wailing and EVERYBODY needed to go back to dx5
if they wanted their systems to run.  Well is the same
bleeting about dx7 and are they running back to dx5???  nope!  that
awful buggy unreliable dx6.  
dave henrie

SOS !!! I hate those Micro's....

by Jo » Tue, 02 Nov 1999 04:00:00

>if they wanted their systems to run.  Well is the same
>bleeting about dx7 and are they running back to dx5???  nope!  that
>awful buggy unreliable dx6.  

6.1 actually ... Directx has become one of those things were I usually
wait for the point-1 release, unless I absolutely need the upgrade for
some reason.

Joe McGinn
Staff Writer for the Sports *** Network***.com/

Richard G Cleg

SOS !!! I hate those Micro's....

by Richard G Cleg » Tue, 02 Nov 1999 04:00:00

: Yes. You're absolutely right. In fact, I've *never* seen any program, full
: release or demo, which needed a certain version of DirectX, not to ask if I
: want to install it.

  Masters of Orion II - by... Microprose.  And very annoying it was too
since (IIRC) it installs direct X 2.  (If you think DirectX 6 is bad,
those early versions were a ***y curse).

Richard G. Clegg       Only the mind is waving
    Networks and Non-Linear Dynamics Group
      Dept. of Mathematics, Uni. of York

Peter Prochazk

SOS !!! I hate those Micro's....

by Peter Prochazk » Tue, 02 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Well, I didn't notice any problems other than my LWFF not being recognized
anymore in GPL (and in the SOS demo too, so I think in every game). My
system was (and *is* with DX7, except the LWFF problem) very stable before
the invasion of DX7. I don't blame Microsoft for creating problems with a
new DirectX version on some systems (there are so many different system
configurations out there, it's very unlikely, that it instantly runs on all
of them without problems), but why the hell don't they include an
uninstaller with it? And given that, why does Microprose install it for a
*demo* without asking for permission?
When I have a working configuration, I avoid to change it, if it's not
*really* necessary (i.e. a new program I 'must' have needs an upgrade, or
the upgrade really improves something like fps, graphics or sound quality,
etc.), but I'd never do a system upgrade for a game demo.

Yes, every new DirectX version seems to have had caused problems, when it
came out. I remember having DX3 on my old computer (a P133 without 3d
acceleration) and everything was running fine. Then I installed DX5 for some
game and it caused mayhem to my system. After a reinstall I didn't play any
game, which needed anything other than DX3 until I got my new machine and
installed 6.1 on it...

Vienna, Austria

Peter Prochazk

SOS !!! I hate those Micro's....

by Peter Prochazk » Tue, 02 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Well..., OK! Of course I havent't tried *every* game out there. Didn't know
about this one. Seems, that Microprose doesn't care, if their customers get
problems with their proggys. I for one will be *very* careful with
Microprose games/demos in the future!
BTW, I don't think that DirectX *7* is bad, but I find it very bad, that it
can't be removed from your system without a hassle.

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