All I wish is people would READ is NOW name Nascar Racing 2000
edition........Please OH Please get it right.....I am sorry, but this is one
of my pet peaves......I havent seen or heard the term Nascar3 from Sierra or
papy since i bought Soda Offroad racing and saw the add and statement of
available for Christmas....but since the release of Nascar Racing 1999 (as
nascar 99 is EA) it would be silly to go back to counting (ie
nascar1,nascar2, nascar2 1/2, Nascar 3)
We are all disapointed with the delay of Nascar 2000, so lets not keep
adding to the confusion by calling it the wrong name.
PS Sorry I am so ***about this....but I am as passionate about Nascar and
Nascar Racing from Papy as most of the gentlemen (and ladies I suppose) that
read and respond to this newsgroup are passionate about F1 and champ car
racing. I wouldnt dare get one of your sim names wrong, as I would even call
what I have seen as Indy Car Racing II, Cart Racing ( as that is what my
copy of the game says since the latest litigation between Indy and Papy)