Do you or someone you know need a Secured Credit Card?
If you're considering a secured credit card YOU NEED THIS REPORT!
Our report covers 60+ secured credit cards and the information on the issuing
banks. We spent long hours on research and a lot of money on phone calls and
mailings to put this list together - so you won't have to!
This report will allow you to choose intelligently which banks have the best
rates or offer the higher credit limit for your hard-earned deposit. Some
banks give up to 150% - 200% credit limits on your deposit! Others may only
give you 80% credit limit on your deposit. Use our report to help you decide.
The little money you spend on this report will make or save you big $$$ when
you get your credit card.
Send $10 (cash, check, or money order) for the report to:
4616 W. Sahara Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89102
We will rush you this vital information right away!