> Phil Newnham enlightened us with:
>>> Phil, your question if nothing other than an astonishing resume on
>>> "duh, I dunno," for yourself. And after reading it, begs the
>>> question, so it changed because the U.S. went there how EXACTLY?
>> Before the US went there, it was a vicious dictatorship (with no links
>> to Al Qaeda) with a history of bluffing lots to save face whilst at
>> the same time bowing to the UN whilst dragging its feet (also, to save
>> face).
> How the *** did you know he was bluffing? Nobody did, except his and his
> minions. jesus freaking chrysler. if you call my house, or tell someone
> your are going to kill me, and I act on it (call police) you think they
> gonna say, aw he just bluffing!?
weapons, because they had been there looking for them. Or you could do
what Bush did, which was to fire the head of the weapons inspectors
because they disagreed with him, and wilfully misinterpret the
intelligence to claim that he did have weapons and they were a clear and
present danger to the security of the US and her interests.
If someone told you that there was a remote chance that I might call
your house and tell you I'm going to kill you, and you call the police,
and it turns out that someone had based their intelligence about me on
one report by one guy with no corroboration and no history of giving
them useful intel, and it turns out they were wrong and I had no
intention of doing anything, the police would tell you they were wasting
their time. Saddam did not phone up Bush and threaten to launch chemical
attacks against America. If you must use analogies try to base them on
what actually happened.