Thanks to all who responded to my earlier request for help regarding GPL
and Glide 2.54. Unfortunately, the suggested solution (putting glide2x.dll
from Glide 2.53 into my GPL directory) did not work as near as I can tell.
Once I did that and restarted the game, my screen blacks out and I get the
Windows alert chime. About 3 seconds later, my monitor drops into standby
mode. Windows is still running as I can use keyboard commands to call up the
Start menu and do a shutdown, but the screen never comes back until the
reboot. Removing the file from the GPL directory restores the game to its'
previous runable but prone to lockup condition. The really odd thing is that
if I keep hitting return when it does this, I think it starts my web browser
and tries to dial up my ISP. A reinstall of GPL resulting in the same
behavior. My system is configured as follows:
Dell Dimension XPSR 350
Dell 1200HS monitor
ATI xpert 98D AGP card
Diamond Monster 3D V2
Metabyte Wicked 3D V2 (sli'd with M3DV2) using the 3.15 beta drivers from
Windows 98
Any assistance would be appreciated. I'd hate to have to wait for the 1.1
patch to be able to play this game again.