Well what is a sim then? If it is a game that tries to simulate reality,
then I still have to throw out a lot of the stuff that gets talked about
here. What do you call a racing game that does not simulate weather, or tire
wear, or brake heat, or brake wear, or aerodynamic lift? Doesn't sound like
much of a sim to me. Well most people here call it GPL. I realize there
are excuses for all those things but that's not the point. I even will
confess to liking GPL but that's still not the point. The point is people
here seem to have a bit of prejudice for certain games and against others,
despite the fact that, judged on pure "siminess" (there's a word for Frank),
the games they favor aren't necessarily any better than some console games.
Let's be honest here, this group should really be called
rec.computers.games.multiplayer-racing, because that seems to be the basis
for most people's prejudices here, that's all that most of the regulars want
to talk about, and anybody who dares to talk about a "car sim" that doesn't
fit into that mold gets a lot of flak. I have had a great deal of fun with
games like Rallisport Challenge, Project Gotham, and Pro Race Driver but
hey, they don't support 40 player games on a PC so according to this group
they must be shit. OTOH a game like Live for Speed, which I find very
arcadey, gets worshipped around here because it has good multiplayer.
Sorry, makes no sense to me.
I'm glad the original poster of this thread took the time to post the links
and quotes that he did. I for one found it very interesting, even if nobody
else did.