> The impact was in 3rd gear, full throttle.
> ..and I passed through my friend's car, got lifted, and the guys began to
> work on my car too ! The two cars were "mixed" one through each other
> during all the pit stop. My friend finished 3 seconds before me and
> restarted. Fortunately, the cars suffered no damage when separated, and
> everything stayed normal until the end of the race (When I say "normal",
> mean I won !).
> Two possibilities to explain this :
> - God himself enjoys F1GP and created a miracle to help a faithfull
> servant betrayed by a "too late" braking team mate. If so, I must shave
> head and join a monastery (don't worry, some of them have computers and
> monks cheating with blessed joysticks).
> - The program's collision detector is confused when a car is lifted in
> pits, changing tyres.
> I tend to think that the collision detector has to do with, and this is
> not only because I am afraid to shave my head !
> Any experience like this on your side ?
> Thierry "Full Throttle Coyote" Cailleteau.
The only REAL problem I see is your letting your own teamate get
close enough to hit you in the first place. Drive Man Drive! Maintain
at least 10 car lengths at all times. any closer and your not fast
DAve Henrie
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