I'm trying to have two drivers simultaneously playing F1GP in one PC. I'm trying it with
OS/2 which emulates very well DOS sessions (you get more than 600K base memory sessions, so F1GP
can be played easily). So I open two DOS windows and launch two F1GP independent programs
(different directories and instalations. Is it legal?). Essentially:
-1). One game will have Sound Blaster, and the other PC sound.
-2). One game will be controlled by joy A, and the other by joy B.
-3). They will be linked by null modem, from COM1 to COM2. Note that although F1GP can also use COM3/4, IRQ's are still 4/3. Therefore, you can't use a serial mouse, so a PS/2 one must be used. Note that I link COM1 to COM2 in the same computer.
-4). Since F1GP uses 320x200 256 colours graphics, with a OS/2 640x480 screen each F1GP
window occupies roughly one fourth of the screen.
Up to date, I see that the two DOS windows with F1GP can be easily shown, the two games
are easily started, but you finish in violation, with something as "DosRaiseException() not solved". I've tried to change every parameter of the DOS sessions, but no way.
About 2), you may think that there may be a simoultaneous access to PC port 201. However,
if you control the games with the keyboard, the violation persists.
If someone with more knowledge than me in OS/2 or F1GP internals can help, I would
appreciate. The same if someone has tried this before. As other suggestions:
-Try the same with other null modem linked simulators (Indy ...).
-Try the same in Linux, Windows 95 (je, je ...) ...
I'm using F1GP version 1.05, and OS/2 Warp orange box. I'll try Warp Connect shortly.
For those of you who haven't tried F1GP in a DOS session in OS/2, it is an interesting
experience: you see F1GP in a window (also in full screen), and the game goes quite fast, WITH
MULTITASKING. Perhaps for two games at the time you need a powerful machine.