These converters apparently work on all N2 and CART tracks. They're listed in
The Pits/Archives section. Both DOS command-line programs by Gerhard
Lingenberg. The readmes don't say anything about them being limited demo
versions and the necessary files are included for converting every track
included in both N2 and CART. And I've tested in both the DOS-software version
of N99 and the Windows-3dfx version. CART, of course, doesn't have a 3dfx
version but I've tested both the DOS and Windows versions.
Mainly, I'd like to try the CART tracks in The Pit Touring Car add-on and
calendar file included indicates that converting all these tracks can be done.
But so far I can't figure out how.
Morgan Vincent Wooten
> I downloaded the ICR2 to N2 and N2 to ICR2 converters from The Pits, but
> neither seems to work as advertised. I try to convert a track from one game
> the other (N2/N99 to and from CART) but in N99 I get "could not load comlete
> track description" and in CART I get "3-D track definition could not be
> loaded". Anything I'm missing here? Also, I'm using the Windows version of
> (DOS version won't recognize my Logitech wheel properly) and the Windows and
> DOS versions of N99.
> --
> -----------------------------------
> Morgan Vincent Wooten
> -----------------------------------