> > Best I could do was 52.046. Average mid 53's. The setup seems to push
> > me. I wore out the RF in 20 laps. This was offline. Anyone else having
> > problems connecting to Sierra, I keep getting an error.
> > bluestringer
> > -----------------------------
> > I've been able to do low 51's with the Fast setup offline.
> > Just don't abuse the turns and your tyres will last until a yellow. 3
> > maybe ;-)
> > --
I am abusing the hell out of my tires and going slow. Trying to find the
highline into the corners.
I'm averaging mid 53's so far, put in about 20 laps on the practice server a
while ago.
Was able to put together a lot of laps but if I am two seconds slower than
the field I will be in trouble fast.
Plenty of time to practice though :-)
Sean #12