...which I guess means I'm not too impressed. Didn't even think about it
all day Tuesday, and last night when I had time to drive I went straight
for the 'Ring as usual.
But then when you've got *** on your HD why bother with a little weed?
To be fair, the reviews I've read here amounted to "N2 + pretty graphics +
net multiplayer" so it's not as if I wasn't warned, but I thought I'd take
the risk seeing as I haven't bought any other racing software since GPL...
thought I'd be ready for a little light relief. Turns out I'm ready for
Nascar 4 <g>
Andrew McP... who won his first N3 race (at Bristol) starting from the
back... ok, AI was at 97 and I accidentally left damage off :-)
PS Apologies to anyone who also read this in the flight-sim ng. I'll be
receiving corrective training any moment now by the ng cross-posting
police. I've tried to plead innocence (though I'd settle for carelessness
and 100 hours community service) but I can already feel the baseball bat
of *** hovering around my kidneys.