>Now what, praytell, was that all about? Hmm? This man/women/thing? just
>insulted Football, Baseball, and NASCAR, the three greates sports in the
>world, the things that make America great (oh yeah, and that freedom of
>speech thing <g>). This will be my first attept at a conter-flame, but I
>mouth/blowhole. The nerve! Now I read one post making a remark about
>Cricket, so I'm assuming that it's from Englend. Now, america is far from
>perfect, but I think that this guy has some nerve insulting OUR sports
>while the most popular sports there require sweaters to play (golf,
>cricket, croquet). And I personally would enjoy seeing his account
>cancaled on whatever he subdcribes to.
I hang my head in shame as an English-man, to admit that yes THE
most popular participant "sport" in Britain does require a sweater,
and waterproofs and a rod, yes it's FISHING!!!!! Mind you we do
have proper football (ie kicking it with your foot) and Rugby
(American football without pads and helmets, best played whilst
anethesised (sp)).
But you must give us this chaps, F1 is ours (I can only think of
about once in the last 5 years when our national anthem wasn't
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