come unglued because a ***** site didn't review a sim properly. You should
thank them for keeping Quake-***s from picking GPL up and ruining online racing...
Complaining about Avault not doing a proper review on GPL is like complaining that
Walmart's Auto Service didn't want to do a engine swap in your '73 Barracuda...the two are not
the same. Avault caters to *gamers*, not sim racers...that's why sites like us,
SimRacing Online, Alison's site, The Paddock, ect. are all out cater to
the sim racer. While I agree that their consistency has not been real hot on what's
good and what's not, they're a gamer site...we're a racing site.
Anyhow, if you want to read a *sim racer's* review of GPL, we should have it online
very shortly. As well, our GPL page is up and running, and we've got some great
new files on there...
??Jan Kohl?? **The Pits Performance Team**
Computer Systems Programmer
USAF Air-Ground Operations School
Hurlburt Field, FL
Castle Graphics -
The Pits -